Data Entrepreneur Practical Theory

田村元紀 / TAMURA Motonori | |
Parts 1 – 15. Faculty in-Charge | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

岡本一志 / OKAMOTO Kazushi | |
Parts 2. データサイエンス:研究と実践 | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Associate Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

斉藤史朗 / SAITO Shiro | |
Part 3. データサイエンティストのビジネス力 | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

守屋俊夫/ MORIYA Toshio | |
ビックデータ/AI活用の具体事例 | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group |

西牧洋一郎 / NISHIMAKI Yoichiro | |
顧客価値を引き上げるアナリティクス | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | IBM Japan,Ltd. |

和田陽一郎 / WADA Yoichiro | |
データ解析によるビジネス意思決定 | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Visiting Professor , Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Data4Cʼs K.K. |

西野哲朗 / NISHINO Tetsuro | |
Parts 7– 9. 人工知能を利用したデザイン思考 | |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

石川豊 / ISHIKAWA Yutaka | |
ロケーションビッグデータ分析事業の創業事例 | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Nightley Inc. |

丸山文宏 / MARUYAMA Fumihiro | |
Part 11. データ活用から変革への取り組み | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |

島田啓一郎 / SHIMADA Keiichiro | |
IoT時代のビジネスモデル創造 | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Sony Group Corporation |
Lecturer Information: As of May 2020
Advanced Data Scientist

田村元紀 / TAMURA Motonori | |
Parts 1 – 15. Faculty in-Charge | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

清洲正勝 / KIYOSU Masakatsu | |
Parts 1 – 15. | |
Occupation: | Assistant Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

岡本一志 / OKAMOTO Kazushi | |
Parts 1 – 15. | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Associate Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

斉藤史朗 / SAITO Shiro | |
Parts 1 – 15. | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

橋本武彦 / HASHIMOTO Takehiko | |
Parts 1 – 15. | |
Occupation: | Visiting Associate Professor , Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | GA technologies Co., Ltd. |
Affiliation site URL: | https://www.ga-tech.co.jp/en/ |

原田慧 / HARADA Kei | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

中野雄介 / NAKANO Yusuke | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Nature Insight Co., Ltd. |

関根伸吾 / SEKINE Shingo | |
Occupation: | Lecturer (Part-time) |
Affiliation: | Nature Insight Co., Ltd. |
Lecturer information: as of November 2019
Probability and Statistics

椿美智子 / TSUBAKI Michiko | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

川野秀一 / KAWANO Shuichi | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Associate Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |

金路 / LU Jin | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Associate Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |
Advanced Computer Science

西野哲朗 / NISHINO Tetsuro | |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |
Advanced Programming Language

庄野逸 /SHOUNO Hayaru | |
Degree: | PhD |
Occupation: | Professor |
Affiliation: | The University of Electro-Communications |
Lecturer information: as of January 2018
Past lecturer information (Japanese Only)